Have the kernel of an idea but finding it difficult to develop?

Eager to get the word out about your product or service, but struggling to find the best vehicle?

My name is Lori Ferguson. I’m an experienced freelance writer/content creator with a public relations and marketing background that enables me to package your message in a way that’s engaging and accessible. Whatever your communication needs, we can work together to find a solution.

I provide the following writing services:

Profiles – Features — Newsletters — Blog posts

Why I Write

I write out of curiosity, exploring the mind of a scientist or the vision of an entrepreneur in the paragraphs of a feature. I write out of a desire to expand my mind, my skill set, my vocabulary, my world by sifting through words and pruning lines of text until I’ve come to the best expression of an idea or individual that I can achieve. I write because I am grateful, every day, that I can.

(Heartfelt thanks to fellow writer James Buchanan of Orchard Writing for posing this question and sharing my answer on his blog.)


“Dear Lori, Today the phone rang for the 4th time as a result of your article for Around Concord. Each time, a substantial appointment was booked and they have continued with me. Sooooo, I can barely thank you enough!

Honestly, in my career I have been featured dozens of times in newspapers and magazines with a nod of approval from folks but nothing directly and immediate from the article. I did not think anything would move with the AC article – but it did and it was your writing (all clients have said how beautifully written it was). So I thank you again for your talent and the emotion you can evoke.”

— Jane Balshaw, Owner, Euchlora, a private aesthetics studio